The one-sentence pitch : can you explain your startup in one sentence?
Well, this guy nailed it.
Can you describe YOUR startup in one sentence?
The one-sentence startup pitch or high concept pitch is easily mocked.
In fact, there’s a Facebook group dedicated to doing just that.
Members suggest hilarious one-sentence descriptions for real (and how-it-not-a-thing) companies.
Most pitches follow the “Tinder for____” formula:
- A Massively-Mansfield Park Online RPG.
- Bitcoin, but with more Jesus.
- Extremely low-resolution porn…for buildings?
- A charter flight booking service for public officials
(That last one may not describe a real company.)
The one-sentence pitch or elevator pitch is alive and well.
You’ll use it with angel investors, accelerator programs, maybe even on a Youtube show.
On “Elevator Pitch”, contestants have 60 seconds to pitch their startup – in an actual elevator.
The one-sentence pitch – why should you care?
If they don’t understand what your company does…
Investors will not invest.
Reporters will not report.
Consumers will not consume.
With a clear one-sentence pitch….
Investors can describe the business they’ve invested in.
Your customers can share it with their friends.
Team members can describe the company they (hopefully) love to work for.
Here are some real high concept pitches to get inspired by:
- Sequoia Capital: Entrepreneurs behind the entrepreneurs.
- Cisco: We network networks.
- YouTube: Flickr for video.
- LinkedIn: Facebook for business.
- Dogster: Friendster for dogs.
The one-sentence pitch – how to create it
Recent studies show that the average adult attention span has dropped to around 8 seconds.
So you better make the most of your limited window.
Try following the advice of Founder Institute founder Adeo Ressi:
“my company, _(insert name of company)_, is developing _(a defined offering)_ to help _(a defined audience)_ _(solve a problem)_ with _(secret sauce)_”.
Even just thinking about this is a very useful exercise.
And way more difficult than you think.
If you still come up blank, it’s back to that alternative Grindr pitch.
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